Wanyee, Wendy Kong

M.Div.. ThM., CSD (Qualifying)
 Accepting new clients
 Markham, Ontario
Offers meeting in-person, by Internet
Language: English, Cantonese. Mandarin
Church Denomination: Alliance Church

About Wanyee, Wendy Kong

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference"~ serenity prayer On our life journey, we will inevitably experience many storms. During the times of waiting, we might be disappointed with God, yet could still be cultivating intimate relationships with Him. As your spiritual director, I will walk alongside you during these ups and downs, and help you notice God's hand at work. We will listen to God's voice together and you will hear God calls you, "you are my beloved". In spiritual direction, we enjoy sacred moments together in the presence of God. Soul care is my vision of my life. We strive to nurture healthy souls and healthy relationships with others. As a nature lover, God inspires me the most when I am in the forest, under the sea or look up to the starry night. I am a new immigrant. I understand the challenges for facing major life transitions. I am ready to hear your story.